This is a short collection of articles written between 1985 and 1988 in Haiti. This time frame corresponds to the last months of the Duvalier regime, and the ensuing "troubled times" as the country struggled to reach a form of democracy. They were either published in a local bi-monthly paper, The Haiti Times, or submitted to press agencies including The Associated Press (AP), United Press International (UPI) and South North News Service (SNNS) for which the author was a correspondent. Earlier articles will be added gradually when time (mine) allows.

The sole purpose of these pages is to contribute to the repository of texts on Haiti and be of help to researchers and historians interested in that period of Haitian history.

This material, except for the photographs, can be freely reproduced with mention of the source; a mention of its use would be appreciated. As for the photographs, they are protected by copyright and cannot be, in any way, shape or form, be reproduced without the author's authorization.

Jean-Pierre Cloutier

C-141 Passenger List - February 20, 1986

United States' Role in Recent Events - February 20, 1986 (Photo)

HASCO Closes its doors - May 1987

Jacques Stephen Alexis Remembered - May 1987

Congressman Fauntroy discusses the issues - May 1987 (Photo)

Priest Reassigned - Summer 1987

Theologies: Liberation vs Submission - Summer 1987

Music and Politics - Summer 1987

Human Rights Advocate Killed - July 1987

Sansaricq in Jeremie (1) - August 1987

Sansaricq in Jeremie (2) - September 1987

Sansaricq in Jeremie (Editorial) - September 1987

Yves Volel Killed - October 1987

Off to the Campaign Trail - October 1987

Booked Solid - June 1988

Booked Solid - Undated

Toward a Rebirth of the Militia? - June 1988 (Photos)

Note to my Bureau Chief - July 16, 1988

The Making of a Coup - July 20th, 1988 (Photos)

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Last Updated: December 8, 1999